In the midst of confusion and conflicting messages we see daily… What should you believe? Well, I know one thing for sure, and that’s Resistance and Weight training are superior than long distance cardio for looking good, feeling great and tightening up those bodies 😀 However, what are the best resistance exercises to incorporate into a…

Glute exercises have always been an important part of most women’s workout regimen and importantly so!. However most think that endless running and high intensity workouts are whats need to develop those peachy beach bums. But while some cardiovascular work is a good for your health, it won’t earn you the desired plump and firm…

In my opinion Tempo or Time Under Tension is the secret to your success. So why is it most people I see exercising in the gym seem to think the faster they work the harder their working and the quicker they’ll get results! Well you may be surprised to know that the slower and more controlled the exercise is completed with the…

So before you begin trying any of these Squat techniques remember form with control is everything! Reps, Sets and Load should all come once the moment pattern has been mastered. Remember should you need any help or feel you might not be doing the exercise correctly you can speak to a member of the Fitness…

Sam Rose, 10% Less Body Fat & 110% Happier ? Well Done Sam, you sure do put in the hard work ?? “I started the beginning of the year at the heaviest I’d ever been and I was in desperate need of a change. I’ve always struggled to stay motivated at the gym but since…

Glute Hypertrophy Workout Try this Hypertrophy Glute workout designed  for peacher glutes! A1 – Wide Stance Back Squats 5 x 6-8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 10 then move to A2 A2 – Farmers Walk 5 x 40 meters rest 180 seconds before moving to A1 B1 Sumo Deadlift 4 x 10-12 on a X040 tempo,…

At some point or other it’s inevitable that you are going to encounter plateau’s in your training, here are my thoughts on how to tackle the issue! What is a plateau? A plateau is when a persons training stagnates, this could be where an athlete can’t get above a 120kg squat or simply can’t lift…

Take A Deep Breath and Relax! New Yoga Classes Have Arrived. In February we have scheduled 3 new Yoga classes on the group timetable. Yoga a class that improves the balance between the body and the mind and increases strength and flexibility. We will have 3 forms of Yoga: Hatha Yoga on a Monday evening…

#2 Tuck Jump: Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible and bring the knees in toward the chest while extending the arms straight out. Land with the knees slightly bent and quickly jump again! Repeat 10-15 times or challenge yourself and see how many you can complete in 1 minute!

Bodyweight Exercises #1 Inchworm Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Used a warm-up, within a mini circuit or as a finisher at the end of your workout, they’re bound to get the heart racing! Correct Execution: Stand up tall with your legs straight, lower those fingertips to the floor….